Please join our weekly radio show

"Collective Consciousness Show" every Thursday night at 9pm eastern.
Call: 218-339-6901 code-5092984#
or Broadcast Live on Use call ID: 48335

Monthly Sunday Show

Solving 9/11 Ends the War. Next show schedule listed on homepage.
Call: 218-339-6901 code-5092984#


It is time to do something that our Mainstream Media won't do. Report the Truth to the American Public. (Instead of corporate sponsored lies)

Please join our weekly radio show
"Collective Consciousness Show" every Thursday night at 9pm eastern.

Call: 218-339-6901 and use code: 5092984#
or Broadcast Live on Use call ID: 48335
After an hour into the call, callers will be able ask questions and interact with our guests.

Visit our website every Wednesday to get information about our next guest.

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Please note that the views expressed by our guests and callers do not necessarily reflect the views of AUNETWORK.TV